Masterclass «Financial development or financialisation»

Por Omayra González Castro

On the 23rd of November 2022, we had the opportunity to attend a talk given by Aitor Díaz García. The talk, entiled «Financial development or financialisation, the two sides of banking activity», addressed the following questions from a critical point of view:

  • How does the financial system impact the real economy?
  • Is the growth of the finance system good or bad for the real economy?
  • What role do banks play in the increasingly unstable financial system?

The talk began by reflecting on why banks are so important. Aitor gave a short introduction about how the banks create interdependencies between creditors and borrowers by taking in deposits and making loans. He placed a particular emphasis on the fact that banks are the only financial institutions that can create money “out of nowhere”.

Later on, Aitor explained why money multiplier theory is not entirely correct, arguing that banks don´t actually need deposits to start making loans because everything is ultimately based on the notion that the customer will repay the loan, along with other statements.

To understand how the growth of the financial market can affect the real economy, he delved into the possible implications, giving us a practical example in which it was illustrated how money is not only going to the real economy, but also to financial markets.

To conclude, he explained why fluctuations and volatility become longer and more salient over the time and how we have transitioned from traditional banks to market-based banks.

Sobre Aitor Díaz García

Graduado en Contabilidad y finanzas por la Universidad de la Laguna, obteniendo el precio de excelencia al mejor expediente académico en la rama de conocimiento de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, a la vez que el premio extraordinario en su titulación y el premio al mejor expediente académico de la Universidad de la Laguna 2021.

Además, ha realizado el master en Finanzas por la Universidad de Lund (Suecia) y, actualmente, desarrolla su segundo master de Finanzas en la Universidad de Groningen (Países Bajos).

Como estudiantes de último año de carrera, es muy inspirador que compañeros egresados nos cuenten cómo han sido sus trayectorias y nos ayuden a ver las posibles opciones una vez terminemos el grado, para así poder tomar nuestras propias decisiones. Aitor, que ha elegido el camino de la investigación y continúa formándose, fue capaz con su charla de hacernos reflexionar sobre el rol del sistema financiero y de los bancos, ayudándonos a conectar cuestiones teóricas complejas con una visión global, yendo desde lo particular (el ejemplo más sencillo) hasta lo general, y añadiendo su enriquecedor punto de vista crítico.

Gracias por compartirnos tu experiencia Aitor Díaz García.

Inversión de calidad y capitalización compuesta

Por Idaira Ramírez Toribio

El viernes 27 de noviembre de 2022 asistimos a una masterclass sobre «Inversión de calidad y capitalización compuesta» impartida por Munesh Melwani, CEO y fundador de la Empresa de Asesoramiento Financiero Cross Capital. La charla tuvo lugar en la Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Turismo, organizada por Judit Mendoza, profesora de la asignatura de Gestión Bancaria, de 4º curso del grado en Contabilidad y Finanzas de la ULL.

El ponente preparó una presentación dirigida al estudiantado, centrándose fundamentalmente en dar a conocer su perspectiva como profesional acerca de la inversión en los mercados financieros, transmitiendo la importancia de invertir en empresas de calidad para poder obtener una rentabilidad a largo plazo («la magia de la capitalización compuesta» en sus palabras textuales).

Durante la jornada, Melwani expuso las características que debe tener una inversión para ser considerada de calidad, señalando que se debería de invertir en empresas con fuertes ventajas competitivas, con fuerte crecimiento orgánico y que posean un alto ROIC y buenos márgenes de negocio, además de tener en cuenta el crecimiento de las ventas y la generación de flujos de caja. Asimismo, destacó la importancia de valorar a la empresa cualitativamente, analizando el sector de la compañía, su cultura y calidad del equipo directivo, su potencial de crecimiento, la estructura del capital y riesgos como la inflación, la solvencia o la reputación de la propia empresa.

Por otro lado, destacó la importancia de la psicología y otra serie de condicionantes a la hora de invertir. En este aspecto, indicó que las decisiones y las emociones no pueden ir de la mano, resultando fundamental que el inversor sea capaz de aislarse y focalizar antes de tomar decisiones de inversión, con juicio propio y sin dejarse influenciar por los movimientos de las masas.

Además de lo citado anteriormente, el invitado expuso su trayectoria profesional, desde que terminó sus estudios, en la misma facultad que los oyentes, hasta llegar a fundar su propia EAF con sede en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, entrando en detalle sobre su funcionamiento, los servicios que ofrece, la formación necesaria para poder optar a un puesto de trabajo en empresas de este sector, etc. La masterclass concluyó con un turno de preguntas, llegando a aproximadamente dos horas de duración.

Sin duda, tener la oportunidad de recibir este tipo de formación cercana y de calidad, de la mano de profesionales del sector como Munesh Melwani, es un privilegio para los estudiantes de esta universidad. Su propia experiencia personal nos aporta un gran valor y reconocemos que el conocimiento que nos aportó de primera mano es una información a la que no todo el mundo puede tener acceso.

X Foro Anual de Finanzas de Cross Capital

Alberto León Pérez

Fuente: Redes sociales de Cross Capital

El viernes 11 de noviembre de 2022 tuvo lugar el X Foro Anual de Finanzas de Cross Capital, Empresa de Asesoramiento Financiero (EAF) con sede en  Santa Cruz de Tenerife bajo el mando de Munesh Melwani. Este evento tuvo invitados en representación de prestigiosas gestoras y fondos de inversión como son Francisco Burgos, Director de Negocio Institucional de Cobas AM, Santiago Domingo, analista de Inversiones en Magallanes Value Investors y Ricardo Seixas, director de Renta Variable Ibérica de Bestinver. 

El foro comenzó con una ponencia de parte del Vicepresidente y Consejero de Hacienda y Presupuestos y Asuntos Europeos del Gobierno de Canarias, D. Román Rodríguez, dando una visión sobre los presupuestos para el próximo año y poniendo en perspectiva la realidad económica canaria. Posteriormente, tuvo lugar la ponencia del anfitrión, Munesh Melwani de la EAF tinerfeña, sobre «Estrategias de Inversión en 2023», seguido de una intensa mesa redonda sobre «Gestión de Carteras aplicado al Value Investing», en la que participaron los representatnes de Cobas AM (Renta variable Internacional), Magallanes Value Investors (Renta Variable Europea) y Bestinver (Renta Variable Ibérica). 

En la jornada se trataron temas de actualidad macroeconómica, entrando en materias como el papel de los bancos centrales en la economía y los mercados financieros. Se señaló cómo la política de tipos negativos llevada a cabo durante la última década ha supuesto una excesiva inyección de liquidez en el sistema financiero, encontrándonos en la actualidad con sobrevaloraciones desmedidas. La actuación de los bancos centrales ante esto llega tarde, pero parece que ya se camina hacia una normalización monetaria, empezando a verse síntomas de reversión con una disminución de los niveles de inflación y de precios de materias primas como el crudo o la energía, que han encarrilado esta etapa inflacionaria. También se comentaron otros aspectos cruciales para el panorama macro como: el fortalecimiento del dólar, las posibles complicaciones en la cadena de suministros desde China debido a la lenta apertura tras la pandemia Covid y la crisis de Reino Unido, un país que espera una recesión mayor que el resto de Europa y con una estabilidad de las pensiones bajo mínimos.

Tras establecer el contexto macroeconómico, se entró en detalle sobre la inversión con enfoque en el largo plazo y el value investing. Se remarcó que en épocas de bajadas bursátiles se producen las oportunidades para el inversor en valor: comprando a menor precio empresas excelentes es posible obtener mejores retornos, pero siempre enfocándose en empresas con amplias y duraderas ventajas competitivas, que puedan crecer de forma orgánica, con altos retornos sobre la inversión y generación de flujo de caja libre que permita que este proceso continúe como una bola de nieve. 

Los ponentes peninsulares pusieron en contexto sus negocios y ofrecieron al público casos de inversión y sus perspectivas sobre sectores como la energía o el petróleo, mostrando el crecimiento continuado de la demanda de energía y la disminución del uso de combustibles fósiles, que a día de hoy se ven con falta de financiación para poder realizar un cambio hacia políticas sostenibles y satisfacer la demanda global. Los criterios ESG fueron también debatidos en la mesa: la necesidad de que los gestores puedan evaluar cómo la empresa trata de cumplir esos criterios, si hay presión real por parte de los inversores y la problemática del “greenwashing”. 

Después de tres horas y media de ponencias, la jornada tuvo fin con una despedida de Munesh Melwani, agradeciendo a los participantes y asistentes haber acudido a este especial X Foro Anual de Finanzas de Cross Capital.  Acudir a un evento de este calibre aporta un gran valor para un estudiante de la Universidad de La Laguna, aprendiendo a como valorar diferentes situaciones macroeconómicas y como actuar ante estas desde el punto de vista de un profesional y focalizar sobre lo realmente importante en la inversión en empresas de calidad, todo de la mano de profesionales del sector.

Walmar allocates over $1 billion to renewable energy, sustainable buildings and circular economy

Logo Walmart: la historia y el significado del logotipo, la marca y el  símbolo. | png, vector
ESG Today, Mark Segal, September 19, 2022 (
  • What happened?

Walmart invested more than one billion dollars in renewable energies, sustainable buildings and circular economy.

Walmart announced the release of its first Green Bond Impact Report, indicating that the company has allocated $1.1 billion in green bond proceeds, with top investment areas including renewable energy, sustainable buildings, and waste reduction and circular economy initiatives.

  • Whom and where it affects?

Eligible categories for investment under Walmart’s green bond framework include renewable energy, high-performance buildings, sustainable transport, zero waste, and circular economy, water stewardship, and habitat restoration and conservation.

  • What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

The only institution that it is involved in this new is Walmart because all the finance  is destined to many different projects around the company.

  • Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

Because with this kind of initiatives of green bonds like Walmart’s one, other companies that are not just banking or financial entities could entry in the financial market too offering this kind of sustainable products for investors who wants to be part of sustainable projects including circular economy ones. The better the results of these green bond initiatives, the more companies and banks institutions will begin to market them.

  • What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

The consequences in the future include achieving zero emissions across operations by 2040 without the use of carbon offsets, powering facilities with 100% renewable energy by 2035, and electrifying and zeroing out emissions from its full vehicle fleet by 2040.

SDG Number (Sustainable Development Goals): 7, affordable and clean energy.

Keywords: sustainable buildings, circular economy, allocate, green bond, framework, stewardship.

Investors grapple with complexities of biodiversity

Link: Investors grapple with complexities of biodiversity | Financial Times (

Date: October 26, 2022


What happened?

“Irreversible consequences for the environment, humankind, and economic activity, and a permanent destruction of natural capital.” That is how the World Economic Forum characterises biodiversity loss in its 2022 Global Risks Report. The main reason is because humans are growing more crops, using more water and cutting down forests.

Who and where it affects?

It affects the biodiversity of planet earth. This mean that it affects humanity, natural capital, animals, the enviroment, etc. About 1 million animal and plant species are at risk of extinction, according to the UN.

What sort of public or private institution are involved?

In addition to TNFD’s (Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosure) framework, other initiatives are under way to set targets and provide guidance for business and investors. Among them is a global biodiversity framework (GBF) that the UN is developing. Meanwhile, almost 100 investors with collective assets totalling €14tn have signed the Finance for Biodiversity pledge, which was launched in 2020. Signatories commit to five steps: to share knowledge; to engage with companies; to assess impact; to set targets; and to report publicly on the biodiversity impact of their investments.

Why is it important for banking and finances?

It is important for finances because not taking into account the effect of the loss of biodiversity can mean a significant risk in the portfolios, that is, they may not be setting the appropriate prices, which could mean a great loss. In short, it is a possible financial impact that is difficult to quantify. 

What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

The consequences are undefined, but as we said in question 4, it could mean a significant risk to portfolios, as they may not be priced appropriately, which could mean a big loss. In addition, if investors and companies engage as set out in the targets, it would help climate change. 

SDG: 14. Underwater life, 15. Terrestrial ecosystem life.

Mercedes Benz and its sustainable business strategy


Date: Wed. Oct. 26 2022

Media: ESG Today

What happened?

The German company, Mercedes Benz, secured an 11 billion € sustainability-linked loan for its sustainable strategy “Ambition 2039” (they want to offer carbon neutral cars). 

Whom and where it affects?

The news specifically affects a German car company, Mercedes Benz. But it also affects the rest of the companies that compound the automotive industry. The fact that Mercedes started to use this type of financing loan, shows to the sector how the company’s future moves will continue being and how they have to react to compete in a changing world that is increasingly concerned about climate change and the CO2 emissions.  

What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

Directly is involved Mercedes ( a private company). Banks are also involved since they are the ones who provides the credit.

However, in 2014, the Spanish government also gave Mercedes 27 million dollars for its plant headquartered in Vitoria, allocated to promote sustainable industrial activity, so public institutions were involved in this plan of the company as well.

Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

Because it starts a trend for the automotive industry and how to finance their change to a new type of cars that produces less pollution and CO2 emissions, highlighting it’s not all about creating a cleaner car, but also about the way it is financed.

What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

From our point of view, companies will be aware about the profitability of Mercedes, observing if this type of financing it’s not only worth it to climate change, but is also profitable to the company, keeping in mind how investors will react. If the industry concludes that this type of loans are worthwhile, it will result in an increase of sustainability-linked loans in the long term future. 

Keywords: Mercedes Benz, sustainable-linked loans, automotive industry, CO2 emissions

SDG: 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure: inclusive and sustainable industrialization, 11. Sustainable cities and communities: affordable and sustainable transport systems and 12. Responsible consumption and production: sustainable management and use of natural resources.

Spain’s BBVA ups sustainable finance target 50% to 300 billion euros

BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila speaks during the opening of the annual meeting of Regional Advisors of BBVA Bancomer, in Mexico City, Mexico June 11, 2019. REUTERS/Gustavo Graf/File Photo

Reuters. (2022, 12 October). Spain’s BBVA ups sustainable finance target 50% to 300 bln euros.

What happened?

On October 12th, Spain’s BBVA raised its sustainable financial target from 200 billion euros to 300 billion euros for the period between 2018 and 2025. This was announced by the lender’s chairman, Carlos Torres. The aim is to decrease global carbon emissions by 30% by 2030 and also reduce the dependence on fossil fuel industries resulting from the global energy market crisis.

Whom and where it affects?

This announcement affects Spain and its oil and gas clients in its credit portfolio. Also, it has a positive effect on clean energy companies, because they will be able to borrow more money if they need and if the global carbon emissions are reduced it will also benefit the entire Spanish society providing them with clean air.

What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

The main institution involved is BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) as it ‘s the one leading this proposal. Moreover, all the institutions and companies that operate in the energy sector are involved in one way or another as they will have either positive or negative repercussions.

Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

Sustainable finance plays a key role in the European Green Deal. Sustainable finance is important in achieving international climate and sustainability policy goals. It directs private investment in the transition to a climate-neutral, climate-resilient, resource-efficient and equitable economy. Finance can make an important contribution to ensuring a sustainable recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic, directing investments and redirecting them towards technologies and companies with low environmental impact.

What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

There is a need to increase attention and interest in environmental issues such as the exploitation of natural resources, pollution and the loss of biodiversity in the hope that in the future we will not have very serious consequences due to advanced climate pollution. In addition investing in sustainable long-term investments is economically reasonable and does not necessarily lead to a lower return for investors.

Keywords: BBVA, sustainable finance, clean energy, Spain.

SDG: 7. Affordable and clean energy, 12. Responsible consumption and production, and 13. Climate action

Amazon and provide water access to millions of people.

Amazon Partners with Matt Damon’s to Provide Water Access to 100 Million People – ESG Today

Date: TUE, SEP 20 2022

Media: ESGtoday

What happened?

Amazon and global non-profit organization announced that they will provide water to 100 million people in some parts of the world.

Amazon donated 10 million to this organization to provide water to 1 million people in 2025.

Whom and where it affects?

It affects to people without water services in Africa, Asia and Latin America: this project will help directly support 1 million people having access to safe water by 2025, reaching the most vulnerable communities around the world with safe water and sanitation.

What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

This initiative is a great private investment project which involves the partnership of two  institutions: Amazon and

We all know Amazon which is the world’s largest online retailer and prominent cloud service provider. is instead a global non profit organization which was founded by Matt Damon and Gary White and it is focused on pioneering market- driven financial solutions to the global water crisis.

Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

In general sustainable finance is important because investments on this topic generate positive value for society and operate within environmental contrast.

In particular, the article talks about water, which is an important topic concerning the environmental crisis. The goal of sustainable finance is not only to capture financial returns for clients but also to realize returns for the society.

What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

These types of investments aren’t enough to contrast the environmental crisis, especially in water. I think that the developed areas like Europe or USA where water isn’t a problem compared to other poor areas, have to introduce limitations on the water consumption, especially in the factories.

At least I think that there should exist an obligation for multinational companies that have to invest a part of their capital in sustainable finance to contrast the emission they produce because of production, logistics and other factories.

SDG: Clean water and sanitation, 6

Keywords: Amazon, water, investment, environment, sustanible.

Iberdrola Extends Sustainable Finance to Include Water Goals with New $2.5 Billion Credit Agreement


Date: July 14, 2022

Media: ESGtoday

What happened?

Last year, Iberdrola announced plans for its financing structure to have an increasingly higher percentage of green and sustainable products, estimated to account for nearly two-thirds of its debt by 2025. Iberdrola announced today that they have a new €2.5 billion credit line linked to the company’s water footprint. With that, more than 90% of the company’s credit lines are sustainable.

Who and where it affects?

In a statement announcing the new credit agreement, Iberdrola stated: Two billion people still lack access to safely managed drinking water, 25% of the world’s population lives in countries facing extremely high water stress, and only 54% of the world’s population uses safely managed water. Simultaneously, climate change is altering supply and demand patterns in ways that are difficult to predict. In actual fact, each degree of global warming is projected to decrease renewable water resources by at least 20% and an additional 7% of the world’s population.

What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

In this agreement, Iberdrola was signed with a consortium of 24 international banks that they specifically don’t mention. They are also focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) objectives to reach by Iberdrola. Mainly center on Goals 6,  7 and 13.

Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

This means a higher investment on sustainable finance that in the long term will promote a sustainable and eco friendly development of the economy.

What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

The consequences of this news will be that more and more large companies are betting on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), these actions will mean that sustainable finance will have a greater weight at the strategic and financial level of companies, in turn making great contributions to improve many existing problems to be addressed in the medium and long term, for example this investment of a company as large as Iberdrola, will mean that more companies are committed to SDG 6, which refers to clean water and sanitation.

Keywords: Iberdrola, water, sustainable finance, SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)


High gas prices spur green hydrogen investment – report

Date: THU OCT 20, 2022


What happened?

The increase of gas prices has had the consequence that its more attractive to invest on green or clean hydrogen.

Whom and where it affects?

This incident affects specially almost 25 of European countries that has been affected directly by the Ukrainian War and therefore, nowadays, these countries are investing around $73 billions of public and private funds to the production of green hydrogen.

What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

In this case, the public institutions that are involved are the USA and European Governments.

Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

From the point of view of the Banking and Finance sector it is important because that fact could cause a standstill of the invested on fossil hydrogen and it may ends on a huge lost for the companies that produce this energy.

That could become on a new creation of financial assets of green or clean hydrogen for invested on, replacing to the fossil assets.

What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

First, we think that the Banking sector and companies will invest billions of dollars on green assets, replacing assets like oil or gas and that fact will support ecology.

This will do improve an economic growth of the green sector and countries who worked out well on this cause. And for consequence, these countries will not depend only of huge exporting fossil assets and gas countries, like Russia, for example.

Keywords: Green energy, Gas, Oil, Fossil Hydrogen


The SDG that are related with this new are:

7. Affordable and clean energy.

11. Sustainable cities and communities.

12. Responsible consumption and production.

13. Climate action.