DIFC hailed for acting as growth catalyst for global sustainable finance market

Link: https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/economy/2023/10/04/difc-hailed-for-acting-as-growth-catalyst-for-global-sustainable-finance-market/

Date: 4th October 2023

Media: The National News

What happened?

The Dubai International Financial Centre is playing the role of a catalyst to boost sustainable finance globally, becoming a green funding center as the market for sustainable financing, emitting ESG Bonds (environment, social and governance bonds) and influencing neighboring regions to adopt sustainable finance practices. Green bonds are on the rise in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, with companies in Dubai and Abu Dhabi issuing them for eco-friendly projects.

Whom and where it affects?

The DIFC role in sustainable finance affects primarily the Middle East region, particularly Dubai. Although, we could see a global effect in the sustainable finance market as investors grow an interest in looking for these types of projects.

What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

Among the public institutions, we have: DIFC (Dubai International Financial Centre), Nasdaq Dubai, Masdar (Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company), Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) or Taqa, Aldar Investment Properties, Commercial Bank of Dubai (CBD) and GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) governments. 

Among the private institutions, we have: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Majid Al Futtaim Holding, Aldar Investment Property and Aldar Investment Properties

Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

This situation is important for Banking and Finance because the global sustainable finance market, which was valued at $3.65 trillion in 2021, is projected to hit $22.48 trillion by 2031. This means that there will be about $19 trillion worth of projects that will need financing.

What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

These developments are expected to contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible financial landscape in the region and beyond. The consequences in the foreseeable future could be as follows:

1. Continued Growth in Sustainable Finance: The DIFC’s efforts to promote green and islamic bonds or sukuk, as well as its status as the largest ESG islamic bonds market, will likely lead to sustained growth in sustainable finance.

2. Increased Investment in Green Projects: With the rise of green and sustainable bonds and sukuk, there will likely be increased investment in environmentally friendly projects. This will contribute to the development and expansion of renewable energy, clean technology, and sustainable infrastructure.

3. Regional Influence: Dubai’s leadership in sustainable finance is likely to influence neighbouring countries in the Middle East to adopt similar practices.

4. Accelerated Transition to Renewable Energy: Sustainable financing will play a critical role in financing the adoption of renewable energy and related projects. State initiatives such as Dubai’s Clean Energy Strategy 2050 and the UAE’s Net Zero 2050 will likely accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources.

SDG: 7 Affordable and Clean Energy

Keywords: Sustainable Finance, Dubai International Financial Centre, ESG, GCC.

Sam Bankman-Fried arrives in Manhattan court as fraud trial kicks off



Date: THU, OCT 05 2023

Media: TheGuardian

  • What happened?

Bankman-Fried, founder of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, was charged with financial crimes. 

Through some reports, it came to light that FTX could not give customers their funds and forced the company to file for bankruptcy. In which the following month Bankman was arrested on conspiracy and fraud charges for diverting billions of dollars in investments, as well as money in risky operations and other illegal things.

He was also charged by the Manhattan attorney’s office, where he was responsible for using client funds to pay the bill for loan expenses at Alameda, as well as the purchase of high-priced real estate, and making extensive political donations.The FTX hedge fund was Alameda.

The Bankman-Fried financial downturn began in November 2022, in which it came to light that Alameda had billions in FTX-owned cryptocurrencies, and that it was also used as support for loans to FTT. When the CEO of FTX’s top competitor Finance said he was going to sell his $50 million in FTT. At that time all customers of both FTT and FTX took their money immediately, in which they feared they would see a total collapse throughout the industry. That’s when FTX went bankrupt.

  • Whom and where it affects?

It mainly affects Sam Bankman who is the guy in charge for the fraud and all the customers of cryptocurrency that he had and that he made lose a lot of money. And this issue affects the area of cryptocurrencies making them lose a lot of value and also the banks that are working with such crypto coins. 

  • What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

All the banks that work with the FTX crypto since they probably made a lot of people that invested in the coin  lose money, the lawyers buffet that are in court against Sam Bankman and also the company that Sam founded. 

  • Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

Due to the collapse of FTX, many clients, lenders and investors lost millions of dollars, a possible burst of cryptocurrency bubble, hinting at the high level of volatility that cryptocurrencies can have. Therefore, many people, upon seeing this great drop, decided to transfer their funds from different types of cryptocurrency exchanges to banks or different entities that pose a lower risk.

  • What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

The consequences for Sam and its company are pretty clear, and they´ll be fraud and bankruptcy and probably a prison sentence for the accused; as for the banking activity, all the banks that worked with the crypto currency will have to rebuilt their financing since they lost a lot of money according to the crypto coin as well as the customers that had money invested on the FTX coin. As for the crypto world it could be seen as a warning of what could happen to them if they don’t do things right.

Keywords: FTX, Cryptocurrency Bubble, Sam Bankman, Exchange.

BRI Strengthens Commitment to Sustainable Finance with New Green Bonds

Link: https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/PT-BANK-RAKYAT-INDONESIA-120792604/news/BRI-Strengthens-Commitment-to-Sustainable-Finance-with-New-Green-Bonds-44979095/

Media: PRNewswire, JAKARTA, Indonesia

Date: Oct. 4, 2023 

What happened?

BRI Strengthens commitment to Sustainable Finance with New Green Bonds; Rakyat Indonesia Bank (BRI) has issued an IDR 6 trillion Green Bonds for 2023.

This issuance follows the fund usage framework set by the Financial Services Authority Regulation.

Whom and where it affects?

The news mainly affects Southeast Asia reaffirming BRI as the largest national issuer of green bonds in Indonesia after an issuance of 5 trillion official currency of Indonesia (IDR) in 2022.

What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

Many public and private companies have been involved in this news, such as Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) and other different SMEs that will benefit from the issuance of BRI bonds.

The G20 is also mentioned with reference to the compliance and support of its government initiatives.

BRI Strengthens Commitment to Sustainable Finance with New Green Bonds

Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

This aligns with the vision of BRI to be recognized as The Most Valuable Banking Group in Southeast Asia and The Champion of Financial Inclusion.

Green bonds are important for banking, because they are a financial instrument designed to finance projects that have a positive environmental impact and have gained popularity as a means to support sustainable development.

What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

BRI has become the largest issuer of green bonds in Indonesia, with an issuance of 5 trillion Indonesian rupiah (IDR) in 2022.

This represents a positive step towards promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly infrastructure projects in the region.

In conclusion, every day there is greater awareness of climate change and its consequences, but this is only half the way, taking into account that the market has not yet fully included the climate risk, something that will end up happening.

Keywords: SMEs, Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Official currency of Indonesia (IDR), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).


7 – Energy affordable and non-polluting: Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.

8 – Decent work and economic growth: Promoting sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. 

Clarity AI Launches Methodology to Build SFDR-Aligned Indexes and ETFs


Date: 05th of October 2023

Media: ESGtoday

What happened?

Clarity AI, a sustainability technology platform, recently launched a methodology to aid index and ETF providers in creating and promoting products compliant with the European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). Clarity AI employs machine learning and big data to offer environmental and social insights, analyzing a vast dataset encompassing companies, funds, countries, and local governments. Their Sustainable Index and ETF methodology help providers align with the EU’s Sustainable Investment definition, allowing assessment against sustainability criteria and regulatory thresholds related to UN Sustainable Development Goals, EU Taxonomy, and SFDR Principle Adverse Impact indicators.

Whom and where it affects?

Clarity AI’s Sustainable Index and ETF methodology affects:

  • Index and ETF Providers
  • Exchange-Traded Funds
  • Financial Market Participants
  • Companies and Organizations
  • Regulatory Bodies
  • Consumers and General Public

What sort of public or private institutions are involved?

The EU and UN are involved and in addition, Clarity AI uses machine learning and big data to deliver environmental and social insights to investors, organizations, consumers, and governments. As of September 2023, the Clarity AI platform analyzes 70,000 companies, 430,000 funds, 201 countries and 199 local governments.

Why is it important for Banking and Finance?

The Clarity AI platform and methodology are crucial tools for the banking and finance sector because they enable institutions to comply with regulations, meet investor demands, manage risks, gain a competitive edge, and align with global sustainability trends. These factors are critical in the ever-changing landscape of responsible management.

What do you think will be the consequences in the foreseeable future?

The consequences of the Clarity AI platform and methodology in the future are uncertain but can be expected to include:

  • Enhanced compliance with sustainability regulations, reducing regulatory risks.
  • Increased attraction of investors seeking sustainable investment options.
  • Improved risk management by considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.
  • Potential competitive advantages for institutions offering sustainable financial products.
  • Opportunities for global expansion as sustainability becomes more widespread.
  • Encouragement of innovation in financial products and services.
  • Positive environmental and social impacts, such as reduced carbon emissions and improved social equality.

These outcomes depend on factors like regulatory changes, investor preferences, and institutions’ commitment to sustainability principles.


Clarity AI, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), Big Data, Innovation.

Las dos caras de la actividad bancaria

Laura Rodríguez y Paula González

El día 12 de enero de 2023 tuvo lugar el debate con título «Desarrollo financiero o financiarización? Las dos caras de la actividad bancaria«, celebrado por el alumnado de 4º curso del grado en Contabilidad y Finanzas de la asignatura de Gestión Bancaria. Un tema inspirado en la masterclass de nuestro compañero egresado Aitor Díaz, impartida el pasado 23 de noviembre de 2022.

Para el buen desarrollo de las ideas, el debate se dividió en tres bloques, según la charla de Díaz: (1) El impacto del sistema financiero en la economía real, (2) El crecimiento financiero y (3) El rol de los bancos en el sistema financiero.

El grupo se dividió en dos bandos, por un lado, la cara A defendiendo las bondades y, por otro lado, el bando en contra, representando la cara B de las amenazas. Toda la sesión estuvo mediada, controlada y organizada por tres moderadoras.   

Los tres bloques tuvieron intervención de los dos bandos con más o menos la misma cantidad de personas en cada uno. Al finalizar cada bloque, tuvieron cinco minutos para exponer conclusiones sobre el tema fijado. Los dos primeros bloques se desarrollaron con terminología más técnica mientras que el último dio pie a una discusión más fluida por tratar cuestiones más cercanas.

La organización del debate se desarrolló del siguiente modo: en primer lugar, de la presentación de Aitor Díaz García sacamos los títulos para dividir el debate en tres bloques. En segundo lugar, compartimos una plantilla para que los participantes del debate se apuntaran en el bloque que quisiesen dentro del bando previamente elegido. Posteriormente, les comentamos el tiempo que tenían para su intervención, para que de este modo tuvieran control del tiempo y se pudieran preparar la intervención con toda la información útil y necesaria. Finalmente les explicamos la estructura del debate para que supieran que después de la intervención individual tendrían cinco minutos para exponer conclusiones sacadas tanto de las aportaciones del otro bando como de las del suyo propio. 

A modo de conclusión podemos destacar nuestra opinión como moderadoras del debate. Sinceramente nos sorprendió la participación e implicación por parte de todos y cada uno de los participantes, desde lo bien preparadas y formadas que estaban sus intervenciones hasta lo bien que respetaron los turnos de palabra en toda la sesión. En definitiva, nos quedamos con muy buen sabor de boca, satisfechas de haber podido gestionar un buen debate sobre un tema complejo y de actualidad. 

Muchas gracias.


Es uno de los principios de la contabilidad que busca un equilibrio para evitar que en una sociedad entre en conflicto. Estas palabras nos ayudarán a entender algunos instrumentos financieros que al mismo tiempo,  se convierten en pilares básicos.


Buybacks programs → Programas de recompra


ECM → Mercados de capital de acciones


Price return index →  Índice de rentabilidad de los precios


Total return index → Índice de rentabilidad total


Los productos derivados son instrumentos financieros cuyo valor deriva de la evolución de los precios de otro activo, denominado “activo subyacente”.

Básicamente, un derivado es una contratación a plazo en la que se establecen todos los detalles en el momento del acuerdo, mientras que el intercambio efectivo se produce en un momento futuro.


Call option → Opción de compra.

Commodities → Materias primas.  

Cost of Carry→ Coste de transporte. 


Put option → Opción de venta.


Swaps → intercambio de divisas


Underlyings assets → Activos subyacentes. 


La renta fija es un tipo de inversión formada por todos los activos financieros en los que el emisor está obligado a realizar pagos en una cantidad y en un período de tiempo previamente establecidos.


Floating Rate Note → Pagarés a interés variable


Green Bonds → Bonos verdes / ecológicos

Yield to worst → “ceder ante lo peor”

Yield to Call →  Rendimiento que recibe un tenedor de bonos

Yield to maturity→   Rendimiento al vencimiento


Para una empresa, el apartado económico financiero es un instrumento clave de planificación, evaluación y control.

A continuación,tenemos una lista de las que consideramos importantes para el crecimiento y desarrollo en el mundo financiero.


Deposit Guarantee FundFondo de Garantía de depósitos. 


ETF Fondos cotizados en bolsa 


FED Policy pivot → Giro de la política monetaria de la FED

Float the company → Sacar la empresa a bolsa

FOMO (Fear of missing out) → miedo a perderse algo

FUD (Fear uncertainty and doubt) → Temor, incertidumbre y duda


Gross Domestic Product (GDP) → Producto Interior Bruto

Insufficient balance → balance insuficiente 

International Monetary Fund (IMF) → Fondo monetario internacional


Monetary Multiplier→Multiplicador monetario. 

Monetary policy →Política monetaria. 


REPO → Acuerdo de recompra


Treasury → Tesoro Público.


Venture capitalist → Capitalista de riesgo. 


Wire transfer → Transferencia bancaria


La valoración financiera es clave para toda investigación y análisis de datos. Gracias al estudio de los ratios, rentabilidades… podemos apoyar o fundamentar nuestras decisiones estratégicas a través de los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos recogidos en la valoración.


Capital structure → Estructura de capital

Current ratio → Ratio de liquidez


Discount Rate → Tasa de descuento.  

Dividend yield → Rentabilidad del dividendo


Earnings yield → Rentabilidad de las ganancias

Equity Value —> Valor patrimonial.  


Net present value → Valor actual neto 

Net worth → Patrimonio Neto

NOPAT → Beneficio después de impuestos


Price to Earnings (P/E) → Ratio Precio – Beneficios


Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) → Retorno sobre el capital invertido


Terminal Growth Rate → Tasa de crecimiento terminal