International Workshop 25th– 29th of July, 2022 La Palma Island, Canary Islands

Learning how human generated carbon dioxide could reshape oceans: lesson from volcanic CO2 vents


Venue: Hotel Fuencaliente Princess, Fuencaliente, La Palma Island (Canary Island, Spain)

Dates: 25 – 29 of July, 2022


  • – Experts meeting to discuss the recent results gathered at submarine CO2 vents worldwide.
  • – Create a working team to exchange ideas, data and results to be able to better respond to the actual questions regarding the future of our oceans.
  • – Motivate early career researchers to design and perform studied across the different CO2 vents.


Natural CO2 vents or seeps systems are subtidal areas affected by the emission of gases of volcanic origin and are windows to the future of the oceans. Though few vents exist in the world, they are the actual gold standard to perform ocean acidification studies. Recently, a growing number of researches are interested in working at these systems. Therefore, the coordination of the research performed at the volcanic CO2 vents around the world is needed in order to better understand the possible outcomes of ocean acidification. A researchers network for communication and collaboration will improve our capacity to predict current and future responses of marine ecosystems at contrasting regions of the world.
The workshop will take place at the Observatorio Marino de Cambio Climático – Punta de Fuencaliente (OMaCC) which is nearby the CO2 vent system of Fuencaliente, and the acidify lagoons of Echentive (La Palma Island). During the workshop we will also be able to visit the recent underwater coladas of Cumbre Vieja-2022 volcano.


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