Todos los proyectos

Genomic signals of adaptation to a natural CO2 gradient over a striking microgeographic scale. González-Delgado et al. 2024

Preliminary study of the effect of natural acidification on meiofaunal communities in sandy substrates. González-Delgado et al. 2024

Coastal carbonate system variability along an active lava-seawater interface. González-Santana et al., 2022

Shallow subtidal macroalgae in the North-eastern Atlantic archipelagos (Macaronesian region): a spatial approach to community structure. Sangil et al., 2018

Emissions of Fe(II) and its kinetic of oxidation at Tagoro submarine volcano, El Hierro. Santana-Casiano et al., 2017

Impacto de la acidificación del océano en la biodiversidad marina: evidencias desde un laboratorio natural (CA_CC_2017)

Chemical characterization of the Punta de Fuencaliente CO 2-enriched system, González-Delgado et al., 2021

Modeling the role of marine protected areas on the recovery of shallow rocky reef ecosystem after a catastrophic submarine volcanic eruption. Mendoza et al., 2020