Prof. Dra. Eladia M.ª Peña Méndez has extensive experience in the synthesis of advanced hybrid materials (nanoMOFs), SPIONs, and inorganic gold/silver NPs, sample treatment, and different analytical techniques (HPLC, GC, MALDI TOF MS, etc.). She holds a degree in Chemistry (1989) and a PhD in Chemistry from the Universidad de La Laguna (1996), and is a Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry (Departmental Unit of Analytical Chemistry at the Universidad de La Laguna).
She completed postdoctoral research stays at the Masaryk University (Czech Republic) and at the IQS (Universitat Ramon LLull). She currently heads the NANOMATERIALS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND BIOMEDICINE Research Group at the Universidad de La Laguna. She is co-author of more than 100 research articles in the areas of Analytical Chemistry, Separation and Environmental Sciences, Applied Chemistry and Biomedicine, and has supervised 1 doctoral thesis.