Expedition to Mar de Las Calmas MPA after the eruption
- Post by: jocarher
- 11:25AM Jan 26, 2012
- No Comment
The last October an underwater eruption started in the southwest coast of El Hierro Island. Emissions of gases and lava have been intermittent since then. There are two emission points located from 200 to 150 meters deep. In our first expedition to the Island we have detected three mass mortality events of fishes and we are currently doing sampling of the specimens. It seems that fishes have died of asphyxia but it is soon to be sure about it.
Diving within Mar de Las Calmas Marine Protected Area is not allowed due to the emission of gases and the ongoing volcanic processes. As soon as the government opens the area for diving we will go to resample our field sites. Our biggest concern is the recovery of the Marine Protected Area due to its social importance and economic relevance for the well-being of the local community. Therefore our first approach will be to determine the actual status of the macroalgae stands, invertebrates and vertebrates populations along the MPA, which supports the services of marine ecosystems.