Cover of Journal of Plankton Research
Cover story is Hernadez et al., "Planktonic stages of the ecologically important sea urchin, Diadema africanum: larval performance under near…
Web of our project at the new Marine Observatory in La Palma Island
We have launched our new project web site. Please, explore the Future Oceans in La Palma Island
Cover of Journal of Experimental Biology
Not every day you get a cover of your favorite animal in a prestigious journal! The journal cover is related…
A new CO2 vent for the study of ocean acidification in the Atlantic
Natural CO2 vents are considered the gold standard of ocean acidification (OA) studies. In coastal areas these rare vents have…
Diadema africanum; mass mortality on the easter Atlantic
Mass mortality events of diverse organisms have been widely described in the marine environment. Clemente and co-workers examined the first…
Global warming and ocean acidification affect fertilization and early development of the sea urchin. Paracentrotus lividus
Increasing values of atmospheric CO2 and consequent seawater warming, as well as progressive seawater acidification constitute stressors for marine populations…
No-take areas as an effective tool to restore urchin barrens on subtropical rocky reefs
Rapid declines in the sea urchin Diadema aff. antillarum densities and shifts in community states of sublittoral rocky reefs have…
First steps for a recovery of the MPA services
First dives at the no take area after the eruption has reveal dramatic effects over the algae, invertebrates and fish…
Recent proliferation of ephemeral benthic algae related with ocean warming
We have recently published a new paper in Marine Environmental Research journal about the proliferation of ephemeral benthic algae on…
A new coral has just arrived
The occurrence of a hydrocoral of the genus Millepora has been recorded for the first time in the eastern subtropical…
Expedition to Mar de Las Calmas MPA after the eruption
The last October an underwater eruption started in the southwest coast of El Hierro Island. Emissions of gases and lava…
New publication on sea urchin mortality
An outbreak of the bald sea urchin disease was detected in 2003 in the coast off Tenerife (Canary Islands, Northeastern…
Urchin barrens in the Canary Islands
The importance of herbivorous sea urchins in structuring marine algal assemblages is well known. At moderate population densities, sea urchins…