Key data

Abstract language: English
The maximum length of the abstract is one A4 page. Please follow the guidelines explained in the abstract template that you can find “here”.
The submission of the abstract should be done through the following link: https://www.magnacongresos.com/abstracts-17iec/
Deadline for abstract submissions: 1st March 2024
Notification of acceptance for presentations: 16th March 2024
Oral presentations:
The length of one presentation (except for plenary one) is 15 min including questions and discussions, so please prepare your presentation to finish within 12 min so there are 3 min left for questions.
Poster presentations:
Poster size: vertical orientation
The maximum size allowed for the poster board is DIN A0: 120 cm (height) 90 cm (width), thus poster should be made higher than wider. Surface of the board is smooth metal, so velcro does not work on this board. We will provide special adhesive material for fixing your poster.

Abstract template

Registration procedure

1. Submit the abstract at the link provided at the beginning of the section «Abstract submission».

2. To make the registration and payment for the ’17IEC & 2IHM’ conference please go to the following linkwww.magnacongresos.com and fill in all the information required.

3. Please select your rate, options and payment method.

4. You will receive an email to confirm your registration once payment is settled.

Payment methods

1) Credit card (VISA/Mastercard)
2) Bank transfer – please specify the transfer reference: “17IEC_your last name»

Cancellation & repayment

Cancellation requests received by the conference secretariat no later than 30 days before the beginning of the conference will be refunded, minus administration costs (10%).

No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after this time.