Congress fees


Registration will open soon (15th October 2024)

Congress fees

Early bird rate (before 31 March 2025):

  • EAM members: 230 Euro
  • EAM non members: 330 Euro
  • Students and Low Income countries: 120 Euro

Regular rate (after 1 April 2025):

  • EAM members: 280 Euro
  • EAM non members: 380 Euro
  • Students and Low Income countries: 145 Euro

Note: students must submit an official certificate issued by their university as proof of their status. This could be a photo of your student card or a letter of your faculty. Just a document that declares that you are a student. After you registered for the conference, you can send this document to:

Workshop fees

  • full-day workshop: 80 Euro
  • half-day workshop: 50 Euro

If you wish to follow a workshop only, without attending the conference, please do NOT register using the main registration system. Send an email to África Borges at ull dot es, and I will give you further instructions.

Conference dinner

The conference dinner will take place in the DINNER PLACE on Wednesday July 00 (00h00–23h59). To maximize interaction between attendees, we opted for a walking dinner in an informal atmosphere.

The fee for the conference dinner is 85 Euro per person.

Cancellation, liability and insurance

In the event of cancellation, written notification should be sent to the Organizing Secretariat

The following cancellation fees will apply:

  • before 11 June 2025: Full refund, excluding administration fee of 50 Euro;
  • from June 11 to June 30, 2025: 50% refund;
  • as of 1 July 1, 2025 or if the participant fails to attend: no refund.

All refunds will be processed and issued within 30 days after the Conference.

In the case of Government intervention or regulation, military activity, strikes or any other circumstances that make it impossible or inadvisable for the congress to take place at the time and place provided, the participant shall waive any claim for damages or compensation except the amount paid for registration after deduction of actual expenses incurred in connection with the conference and there shall be no future liability on the part of either party.

Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that at the time you register for the Conference and book your travel you take out an insurance policy of your choice. The policy should include loss of fees/deposit through cancellation of your participation in the Conference, or through cancellation of the Conference, loss of international/domestic air fares through cancellation for any reason, loss of tour monies through cancellation for any reason including airline or related services strikes within $Spain, failure to utilize tours or pre-booked arrangements due to airline delay, Force Majeure or any other reason, medical expenses (including sickness and accident cover), loss or damage to personal property, additional expenses and repatriation should travel arrangements have to be altered. The Conference organizers cannot take any responsibility for any participant failing to arrange their own insurance. This insurance is to be purchased in your country of origin.

Instructions for poster presenters

The poster dimensions should correspond to portrait DIN A0 format (vertical display). The dimensions should be approximately 1189 (height) x 841 (width) millimeters or 46.8 (height) x 33.1 (width) inches (or smaller).

We do not provide a template, so poster presenters can use a style that is typically used by their institution.

The poster session is always between 14h00 and 15h00 (just after the lunch break) in the student restaurant. Poster presenters that need to present on a specific day (see program) can put up their posters anytime between 8h30 and 13h45 on the same day. Each poster has a unique number (between 1 and 35, see program, and the same numbers will visible on the poster panels. Choose the panel that corresponds to your poster number.

The poster panels include clamps to hang the poster, so there is no need to bring tape. Presenters should arrive at their posters 5-10 minutes prior to the session beginning, and remain at their poster during the duration of the poster session.

Posters should be removed by the authors by the end of the day.

Instructions for oral/symposium presenters

Oral presentations and symposia are organised in (parallel) sessions between 4 and 5 speakers per session. Each individual presentation runs for 15-20 minutes, depending on th number of presentations, including 3-5 minutes for questions and changing speakers. The total run time of a session is about 80 minutes, providing 10 minutes buffer time before the start of the next timeslot.

For oral presentations, the last speaker is always the chair. For symposia, the chair(s) are provided in the program and usually correspond to those researchers that have submitted the symposium overview.

All session rooms are equipped with a desktop computer (running Windows) and a projector, but you can also connect your laptop. Always bring your slides on a USB memory stick (or USB flash drive) (even if you plan to use your laptop) and copy the file onto the presentation computer in time before the session starts. To avoid missing symbols/accents, we recommend using the PDF format (instead of powerpoint).