Sandra Gómez-Soler
I am a pre-doctoral researcher and I work as a technician in the micromorphology laboratory of the AMBI Lab making thin sections of archaeological sediments, which allow us to study the
composition, sedimentation and characteristics of different chronological sequences both from Canary and peninsular sites, as well as from other parts of the world.
Throughout my academic, formative and professional career I have specialized in the study of human behavior in Paleolithic chronologies, especially in Neanderthal human groups and more specifically in the use of fire -pyroarchaeology-, which I analyze from a geoarchaeological
approach, paying special attention to the traces of combustion in the sediment through the biomolecular record of lipids.
Belonging to and collaborating with different archaeological research and excavation teams has allowed me to acquire skills, knowledge and experience to perform both technical and scientific research tasks.
Currently I am part of and actively collaborate in two major projects that investigate Neanderthal behavior, on the one hand, in the sites of El Salt and Abric del Pastor (Alcoy, Spain) and on the other hand, in the sites of Pinilla del Valle (Madrid, Spain), where the Cueva Des-Cubierta has been interpreted as a space of Neanderthal symbolic activity with an important presence of fire use and on which I am preparing my PhD.